Directed by Jon Fabris
Written by Jon Fabris
Stars: Jamie Anne Brown, Chris White, Nicole Lewis, Jason Greene, Brandy Blackmon, Daniel Check, Terry Chandeline Nicole Westfall, Micah Shane Ballinger, Jaqueline Martini, Elyse Rodriguez, Abby MacDonald, Katie Pate, Pudge Phillips, Brittany Forbes
Release: Buy you own copy from the film official store HERE!
If its sheer ridiculous fun you are looking for then honestly you cannot go far wrong with Zombie Cheerleading Camp! Many thanks to first time writer, director, editor Jon Fabris (Jaf Productions) for sending me a copy for review!
The films plot is very simple- bunch of girls hit cheerleading camp only for the majority of them to get hit by a gnarly zombie virus. As the girls (and some guys) start to get sick, it's only a matter of time before they turn into ravenous, intestine hungry monsters. Here on out it is gore galore as throats are ripped and bitten open, bodies get pulled apart, chainsaws dissect zombies and a nasty little zombiefied squirrel makes its rounds!! If this all sounds a little (!) OTT to you then go find another movie to sink your teeth into but if you can take a fun, gory, silly movie exactly for what it is then go check out Zombie Cheerleading Camp.
Favourite scenes include aforementioned chainsaw separation, the squirrel attack which turns one hapless sap into a raving cannibal and pretty much any scene involving the snotty, drill sergeant bitch from hell camp instructor! I also really dug the nice little apocalyptic ending which shows viewers that maybe it's not just Cheerleading Camp that could be the death of you....
I very much look forward to hearing about what Jon has up his sleeve next and as soon as I get any details I will be sure to share them with you! In the meantime get yourself over to the official movie website and grab yourself a copy of the DVD. Done? 'Now there's a good zombie!'
It's always nice to see lower budget stuff these days that actually tries to use real gore effects, and not just all cheap digital stuff.