(Online Screener Copy)
Written by Steve Goltz and Kevin Sommerfield
Directed by Austin Bosley
Stars: Nina Kova, Johnathon Krautkramer, Leah Wiseman, Baker Chase Powell, Danielle Doetsch, Austin Bosley, Jennifer Lenius, Shannon McInnis, Marla Van Lanen and Scott Seagren
It really doesn't seem long ago that I was gearing up to watch the first feature from Slasher Studios Don't go to the Reunion but as we all know, time really does fly and I have now just finished the fantastic follow up; Dismembering Christmas. Another love letter to an era truly embraced by Slasher Studios, the 80s slice and dice, this film takes a hacksaw to the much loved yuletide holiday with gleeful abandon.
The film features a group of young friends celebrating at a lakeside cabin during a very snowy winter, while someone watches from afar, planning to take them out one by bloody one... so nothing overly new in the slasher plot side of things but really who cares? Any movie that plays homage to the body count films of the 1980s will always pique my interest! Dismembering Christmas is fun, creative and features a great ending sequence. It also boats numerous impressive performances- notably Nina Kova as lead girl Sam, Leah Wiseman and Danielle Doetsch as the warring Emma and Katie, Marla Van Lanen as Joan the odd ball neighbor and Baker Chase Powell as Mark.
Another important point to note is how GREAT this film looks. The cinematography is stellar, the direction by Austin Bosley is on point,even quirky at times and the snow just gives Dismembering Christmas the perfect winter chill.
Steve Goltz and Kevin Sommerfield have written a great, twisted script with laughs and frights and they are not afraid to kill off characters regardless of how nice and likable some of them are. Its a strange one as they have written two features now, both of which I would love to see sequels to (I'm a sequel guy) but at same time I want to see what new film they might pen next. who knows maybe one day they will have 8 horror features under their belts AND numerous sequels!
I whole wholeheartedly recommend Dismembering Christmas and encourage you to check out is official Facebook and get a preorder in for the DVD in now!