Directed by Dominic
Written by Dominic Perez
Stars: Laurel Casillo, Morgan Hooper, Ryan Maslen,
Elyssa Mersdorf, Torrey Weiss and Gail Cadden
Release date: 9
August 2011, US (DVD) 10 October 2011, UK (DVD)
Have you ever anticipated a movie for so long that you think you almost know 100% what to expect when it finally gets a release? That’s not intended in a critical way toward Evil Things, in fact quite the opposite. I was personally intrigued from the get go by this film and its slew of reviews it has managed to ratchet up over the past couple of years. I am also not ashamed to admit that I have been completely unnerved by its trailer every single time I have seen it. Luckily for viewers the Inception Media group took this low budget little film, written and directed by newcomer Dominic Perez, and gave it an official DVD release in the US this month with a UK release hot on its heels.
The premise is ultra simple. In fact the movie as a whole is
ultra simple – but it’s what makes it so effective. Five close friends are driving off to a secluded
country house in the Catskills Mountains for a birthday celebration while one
of the group, Leo, captures their every movement on camera. Heard all this
before? Yes probably, but this particular
entry in the often criticised found footage genre (not sure why this is as they
tend to scare me more than any other genre!) really manages to invoke the creep
factor. There is just something truly frightening about the idea of a group of
very innocent, fun loving people just being selected by a maniac who is
planning their demise.

After several unsettling encounters with a van on route to
their destination, the five friends are already on edge. Who is this guy? Why
is he baiting them at every turn only to disappear again? Well there is no answer to this and that only
helps to elevate the feeling of fear that this film manages to scare out of the
viewer. It’s a bit slow going for the remainder of the film as the friends
begin to enjoy themselves and aside from a panicked trip in the woods where
they find themselves lost, there isn’t much more of the scary stuff until the
final ten minutes. But what a killer those last ten minutes are. A shocking
discovery sends the group into a very genuinely attack of panic and I feel it
is this particular scene which really makes the flesh creep. The final moments
are a full on home invasion where, despite not being shown anything in the
blood department, it’s safe to say that whoever was following these kids
earlier on had a far more sinister plan up their sleeves and this is his (or
her?) time to stake their claim.
My main criticism of what is a very scary ending (including
an very effective slammed door) is that the fates of two of the more central
characters are left completely ambiguous – the first two victims you see enough
to know they have been taken and/or killed but in a very rushed scene we are
suddenly left with the one remaining victim. That said this final scene involving
Cassy, our lead character, is absolutely bone chilling. I wouldn’t want to give
away how it plays out but I will say that by this point the game has completely
changed as far as who is filming the unfolding horror is concerned and it
leaves a terrifying final fright for poor Cassy as she attempts to make her escape.
The final end reveal is also highly
effective and answers some questions which you may have such as the sudden
inclusion of a musical score toward the end. I would also add that the film
didn’t need all the repeat footage throughout the end credits - it made me
believe there may have been something new to discover to elaborate on what I
had already seen but sadly not.
All in all if you have no appreciation for this type of
horror movie then you would probably do well to avoid Evil Things – I highly doubt it will change your views on the found
footage flick. Otherwise I hope you would find it as effective and unsettling
as I did and can see the obvious potential in Dominic’s writing and directing. Also
aiding the film immensely are believable performances from all five central
characters, particularly Laurel Casillo as Cassy. She shows some fantastic
comedic acting chops in one scene and her fear and panic at the end of the
movie is nothing short of genuine.
I highly recommend Evil Things, it’s certainly worth your time,
it’s a shame it may end up criminally ignored due to it being pushed aside for
movies such as Paranormal Activity and
sequels, but hopefully this won’t be the case. The movies official website can
be found here:
- check it out; it has all kinds of cool stuff which tie in with the aftermath
of the events of the movie.
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