(screener copy)
Directed by Marc Rohnstock
Written by Marc Rohnstock
Stars: Timo Fuchs, Mnaoush, Mario Zimmerschitt, Thomas Kercmar, Tanja Karius, Franz Zimerschitt, Patrick Bender, Alaxander Andreszka, Sandra Fleckenstein, Toni Reckert, Saskia Neumueller, Denissa Schmidt, Kim SΓΈnderholm, Chris Vasquez
Courtesy of Infernal Films
So the story goes like this - Necronos is a henchman of the devil and a downright nasty one at that. After a previously failed attempt, he has invaded Earth to create his own army of the undead and his mission to achieve this begs for some despicable acts of murder and sacrifice. It seems, however, that the devil thinks Necronos needs a little help in this department and so sends him two further incarnates of evil to aid him. This pair are two people you would never wish to cross paths with - 'Goran', a blood demon and 'The Mighty Witch' (played by indie horror mistress Manoush). As it goes a virgin witch is required to make this terrible trios plans a reality and a no holds barred assault of torture and murder is wrought about scores of innocents.
I think this film amps the gore quota right up compared to the already splatterific Graveyard of the Living Dead. There are several full on look-away-now sequences in this film which I would say is true hardcore gore. The pole pentration scene is suitably nasty and the murder of the pregnant lady is gut wrenching and disturbing. The double decapitstion on the other hand is really cool and exremely eye popping!

Find out more about the movie and the good people of Infernal Films right here !
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