Directed by Billy 'Bloody Bill' Pon
Written by Billy 'Bloody Bill' Pon, Lee Ankrum
Stars: Jed Duesler, Venus Monique, Dominic Lopez, Heather Francell, Raul Gonzalez, Adrienne Martinez, Shawn Black, Ryan Clapp and Sergio Gracida
So I got my Doll Boy screener for review just a few days after speaking to Director 'Bloody Bill' about it. Bear in mind that's from Texas to the UK! Also it wasn't just a screener, it was a professionally made DVD with...a Doll Boy colouring pad and crayons! Love it - I wouldn't give it to one of my young nieces or nephews to use BUT it's still very awesome of Billy.
So - the movie. Doll Boy is a 26 minute short horror film with the CREEPIEST looking of villains at its centre. Easily tops Dave Parkers (admittedly very entertaining) The Hills Run Red. The plot involves eight Texans who find themselves bound and gagged in the back of a van at the hands of a crazed clown. Acting as a delivery man, said clown leaves our eight unsuspectings in a deserted old warehouse and from there on out things get..messy. It turns out that this derelict old building is home to a terrifying maniac who hides his face with a baby face mask and yeh...he wants these people very much dead. Using a massive sledgehammer as his weapon of choice, Doll Boy begins bashing and smashing the hysterical eight into itty bitty pieces.
Where Doll Boy really excels is with its unsettling imagery throughout. Be it Doll Boys mask, bodies littered throughout the warehouse, a young boy running amok, along with many many other horrors this film is absolutely brimming with creepy ideas. One of the more horrifying aspects of this film was the clown himself. At the start a little girl is also captured in his van of horrors (complete with box of very questionable items) and for some (thankfully I think) unknown reason he drives off with her still in it. It honestly made me shudder.
Doll Boy is an excellently shot, decently acted, not to mention unflinching piece of Texan cinema. Highly recommended - show your support and check out the official movie Facebook HERE!
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