(screener copy)
Directed by Elias
Written by Elias
Stars: Jason Vail, Nicholas Wilder, Sarah Schoofs, Kirstianna Mueller, Kaitlyn Mueller, Angie Bullaro.
Gut a psychological thriller with a most intriguing set up is the new film from Writer, Director (as well as Producer, Editor, Actor and more!) Elias. I was really pleased to be given the chance to check this one out.
Opening with a scene of violence where only the apparent perpetrator is visible, Gut soon switches gear, allowing viewers a glimpse into the mundane life of Tom. Tom isn't at all happy with his lot - his job is killing him, his marriage is missing some much needed va va voom and his annoying child hood best friend Dan just won't leave him alone.
The main plot of the film takes off after the creepy and geeky Dan shows Tom a film that mysteriously turned up in his mailbox. The DVD, which appears to be very much snuff in nature, depicts a young lady being cut open by an unseen person who proceeds to place their hand inside her body. Naturally Tom reacts very badly to his friends poor taste and storms out - unfortunately the images of the film haunt him long after.
Following this point the film heads into dark and complex territory as both friends strive to make changes in their lives for the better. Sadly there was a reason why the movie ended up anonymously in Dans mailbox and this determines that happiness just isn't in these peoples grasps. It's as bleak and unsettling as it sounds folks so don't expect to come out of this one uplifted! I will leave out any further plot details however I will see that the movie continues at a slow burn pace throughout and will leave you thinking afterwards rather than present you with a nice tied up plot with an easy answer.
Moving away from the plot itself, I was really impressed by both the presentation and the script of this film.The movies dialogue is particularly excellent - conversations, particularly those between Tom and Dan really draw you in. The film is extremely well shot and avoids many low budget trappings such as choppy editing and horrible sound issues. The score is also suitably depressing and serves to magnify the dissatisfaction projected by Tom throughout the film. The acting in Gut is absolutely fantastic across the board, I was really impressed. Most notable is Nicholas Wilder as the immature, profanity spouting and seemingly disturbed Dan.
An official selection of three 2012 Film Festivals,including the Fright Night Horror Weekend should get Gut the recognition it deserves and hopefully soon out to a wider audience. I strongly urge you to check this one out when you get the chance but in the mean time take a look at the films official movie site!
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