Directed by Damian Morter
Written by Damian Morter
Produced by Nicola Morter
Stars: Tim McGill Grieveson, Damian Morter, Dan Wellard, Jenny Lawton, Stuart Wolfenden, Sam cullingworth
Many thanks to Producer Nicola Morter of Safehouse Pictures UK for allowing me to check out an online screener of Zombie Outbreak horror The Eschatrilogy: Book of the Dead.
This inventive zombie horror has a clever narrative structure in that it features three interlinking tales all related to a recent zombie outbreak/overtake which the world as we know it has succumbed to.
When a bedraggled man (Director Damian Morter) stumbles into the camp of a survivor of the recent horrors (Tim Mcgill Grieveson) he is detained and searched by his captor. It transpires that the young man has, in his possession, a book which recounts three stories, all telling different perspectives/events of the zombie outbreak.
The first tale 'Dead Inside' depicts a young man who heads out at night, leaving his wife and daughetr at home. Trying to do the human thing and helping a young woman injured in a road accident, he finds himself thrust into a living nightmare when the lady dies and subsequently comes back to life...with a taste for human flesh. This story then takes a nice, original turn and provides a very original spin on the zombie sub genre...this is not something I would like to spoil but lets just say it will really capture your attention. For a small clue...... did you ever think you might feel sorry for a zombie?
Next up is 'The Dying Breed' which features a young man named Alex (Paul Collin-Thomas) having a night in with his girlfriend only to soon find himself out in the midst of a storm of zombies. This segment is all kinds of awesome - following Alex on his bloody mission, fighting off raging zombies at every turn is a must see. Will Alex escape unscathed as he makes a beeline to find his mother? A great short with some exciting action scenes.
The final twisted tale in this trilogy is 'A Father For the Dead' which concerns a father and son desperately trying to reach safety. The final story does a great job of pitting someone trying to protect his loved one, not just against an vicious onslaught of the undead...but also against human beings. This is another action packed segment with genuinely sad and bleak ending.
The film has a fantastic conclusion where you learn the the origins of zombie outbreak rife across the three stories occurred in the first place. The final scene is also brilliant and I was on the edge of my seat. It would be very very easy to type pages of praise about this film but that would mean veering right into spoiler territory, something that I out and out refuse to do. You must see this film, for yourself, with fresh eyes.
The acting is pretty superb in all areas, the cinematography is outstanding and at nearly two hours in length the film never drags or feels too long . In fact on the length; I think this works so much in its favour and I feel that a shorter film would not have done its justice.
PS....I don't think you will be able to BELIEVE just how many zombies appear in this movie. It has to be a record amount surely!
Check out the films official Facebook page HERE to find out more and make sure you lay your hands on this fantastic little film as soon as you can!
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