Friday, 24 January 2025

Looky-Loo (2024)

(Online screener)
Written by Nolan Mihail
Directed by Jason Zink
Stars: Courtney Gray, Kelly Lu and Josie McIntyre. 

I would like to extend my thanks to director Jason Zink and writer Nolan Mihail for hooking me up with their debut feature Looky-Loo. I'm a huge fan of independent horror especially if it throws me into deep discomfort which this definitely managed to do. 

Looky-Loo sees wannabe director (played by actual director Jason Zink) falling fast into a world of obsession and voyeuristic behaviours. Nothing is off the table once he gets going; stalking, breaking and entering, theft, sexual deviance and eventually much much worse. He hones in one poor soul named Courtney (Courtney Gray) who he decides he wants to make a star. Audiences will be very clear it's not something Courtney would welcome but sadly she's unaware she is being stalked. 

The overall narrative probably won't please everybody and that's ok. What's disturbing for one viewer may frustrate another, especially if they are looking for answers as to who this maniac is or what their back story is. For me personally...the not knowing is much scarier. Looky-Lou does a seamless job of ratcheting up the tension and I hope audiences recognise this even if they might have wanted some more detail. 

I think what I appreciate most about Looky-Loo is the provocative nature of the material. Would we know if someone was watching us? What if they had been in our homes and personal spaces without our knowledge? The very thought gives me the massive creeps and that's without someone planning to kill me! Being honest and all that, the crimes depicted in this film happen. Many times to innocent people who didn't expect it. I always appreciate a film that makes me more conscious about locking my doors or keeping the occasional eye over my shoulder. 

Also and this is important to say considering it's an independent film that it is presented brilliantly, it's so crisp and fresh looking. Even more so the sound is absolutely on point - clear and jarring especially in the stalking and kill scenes. A great job and I can't wait to see what this team come up with next. 

Looky-Loo can be pre-ordered right NOW right HERE. Support indie horror if you can and go and get a copy! 

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