(Online Screener Copy)
Director by David Paul Baker
Writen by David Paul Baker
Stars:Nicole Alonso, Leslie Andrews, Carolyn Crow, Natalie Hilsabeck, Nicole Fancher
David Baker delivers the chillingly scary goods in his indie horror effort Screen.
The plot of the film concerns a group of movie goers who are inexplicably found scared to death in front of a drive-in movie screen. Audiences are then shown the past 24 hours, focusing on Lola and Carrie who have headed off to attend the ill fated Halloween screening. Both Lola and Carrie are aware that a group of people died in front of the screen back in the 70s and Carrie in particular is more determined than ever to visit the sight of those horrible events. So it seems history is fated to repeat itself and these two spunky girls may have been better off staying home.......
I really loved the main location of this film. Who knew a field with an old drive in screen could cause such anxiety?! I just had the eeriest feeling while watching this film, that if I was actually there myself I would be literally shitting myself. It was desolate, atmospheric and out and out creepy.
The performances were also very notable. I have to confess to finding the character of 'Carrie' (Leslie Andrews) very irritating at first, I dont know what it was truth be told -I loved her look and fashion sense, but she just kind of grated on me. However after she showed a bit of vulnerability with Lola a bit later I found myself warming to her and was hoping her outcome would not be a bad one. Lola (Nicole Alonso) on the other hand, I really liked from the start and likewise hoped that she would come out of the upcoming horror unscathed. Whatever my feelings on the two main characters, both Leslie Andrews and Nicole Alonso did superb jobs. I also liked some of the smaller roles of locals who pop up for short interviews with Lola and Carrie throughout the film, who ultimately seal their own fates by coming along to the party. I particularly enjoyed the role of 'Kelly Green' and the conversations with the Fear Cast guys and some of the other partygoers (ahem..pukes in mouth...Twilight) were just hillarious)
The pay off worked very well. You are wondering so many things by the end of the film that you half expect the hammer of god (reference to a conversation during the film) to come down and wipe everyone out!!! But actually what the film does, and I half expected it, is to not give any easy answers. Some horrible things happen, dont get me wrong and they are presented in what I view as homage to Carrie (1976) with its split screens depicting horrifying events BUT you never find out why. Its honestly really a key strength of the film as it has that authentic effect on you where you spend ages afterwards just thinking 'WHAT exactly happened and WHY?'
I think David Baker has a little gem on his hand with Screen, which, from which plot alone is going to have horror fans queueing up. I would love to see a sequel which elaborated on the dark past of that horrible, horrible, weather beaten old movie screen..just typing that gave me chills, so I know the film left a real impression! Head on over to the official movie site HERE to find out how you can pay the smallest amount of money ever to view the film for yourself!
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