Friday, 24 January 2025
Looky-Loo (2024)
Wednesday, 24 January 2024
Slasher Hous3: Rebooted (2003)
Written and Directed by MJ Dixon
Stars: Redd Nicholson, Luna Wolf, Carly Halse, Paris Rivers, Eileen Daly, Lewis Cooper, Cy Henty, Grant Kempster, Adam Lezemore
I was over the moon to hear from MJ Dixon of MYCHO Entertainment regarding the newest chapter in the Slasher House series. Serving as a reboot and the a sequel this movie plays on all of MJ and teams strengths to deliver nearly two hours of action, horror plus some comedy all in eye popping visuals and colour.
First lets address the fact we have a new Red! Not to mention the fact the actresses name is....Redd! Ms Nicholson really nails the essence of the character so don't fear - the spunk, surliness and fight is there in spades and she is a total joy to watch.
In terms of plot we follow Red as she wakes up yet again in a house of horrors, something she is rather used to, but still really pissed off about. She embarks on a journey into mystery and mayhem as she tries to figure out the house - and its residents- and why she is again, battling all of hells minions. This time around Red teams up with Eric Jones (Paris Rivers) who faced off against the dastardly Thorn in Legacy of Thorn and the secretive but knowledgeable Luse Gui (Carly Halse). Its a game of cat and mouse from here on out with loyalties and potential deceptions teased and tested.
I enjoyed how the movie veers from Reds immediate adventure to other connected characters in different houses (which all form part of the 'Slasher House Project' ). My favourite being the scene where returning Slasher House returnee Amber Hart (Luna Wolf) meets Terry's (Martin W. Payne)...'mother'....insane and just brilliant.
There are characters you will recognise if you have followed MYCHOS other offerings - you should - which is just so much fun and a great gift to fans. Seeing Panda masked serial killer Jacob Jakushi of Slasher House 2 (and his own offering Pandamonium) again is just a delight. Those wisecracks are mint. The movie also goes in a barmy meta direction with the introduction of the killer from horror short series Slaypril Fools Day which is genius and super fun. There is also a lovely tribute to the late Paul Rogers who took over the role of insane killer clown Cleaver in 2019.
Amidst all the carnage there is also a massive plot twist which I absolutely did not see coming. It is effective because changes everything we thought we knew about a certain situation - hats off to the team for this one.
As mentioned before the use of colour in MYCHOs output is visually stunning - reds, yellows, greens all feature prominently which give the movie a live comic book feel. The dialogue is quick, funny and sharp keeping the movie moving along at a wicked pace.
In short Slasher House Rebooted is a truck (or house) load of fun and I am looking forward to seeing a wider release
If you are interested in checking this movie out you don't have to have seen Slasher House 1&2 or the spin off movies but honestly I suggest you do - read more HERE.
Thursday, 24 August 2023
Written by: Travis Bible
Directed by: Travis Bible, Kemerton Hargrove
Stars: Spencer Harrison Levin, Michael Bonini, Taneisha Figueroa, Cairo Spencer
Screener copy provided by PR Squad / The Horror Collective
With a title like #Chadsgetstheaxe you will probably be expecting something reasonably light-hearted and a fun - and in many ways you would be right. That's not to say there aren't some scares and shocks to enjoy as well.
A great movie that I hope gets some serious attention. I'm looking forward to what Travis might have up his sleeve next!
#Chadsgetstheaxe is coming out on major VOD and digital platforms on Sept. 1 - get your popcorn ready!Friday, 7 July 2023
Horror in the High Desert 2: Minerva
Written and Directed by Dutch Marich
Stars: Suziey Block, Solveig Helene, Brooke Bradshaw, C.R. Brough, Sami Sallaway, David Nichols Jr, Brian McPherson, Christine Martin and Laurie Felix Bass
Available now on VOD!
How do you top the original movie? Ask Dutch
Marich...seriously. Horror in The High Desert remains an
absolute favourite of mine since I first watched it - and have now watched it at
least 5 times. Like many I have been chomping at the bit to see the next film
in the HiTHD Universe and it was a great day a few months ago when it became
available to rent/purchase.
I am not interested in giving away any spoilers so will be extra careful in this review - its best you see it for yourself.
In short this movie is set deep in the deserts of Nevada and documents two horrible incidents which occurred on the same stretch of road, on the same night, around one year after the disappearance of experienced hiker Gary Hinge. Those who have watched the original movie know that things took a dark and disturbing turn for Gary (and us as the audience!) when returning to the desert to appease subscribers to his vlog. The trolling he experienced led him to make a final, fateful journey, to locate a mysterious cabin which had already terrified him on a previous hike.
But back to Minerva.
This movie initially covers the mysterious death of Minerva 'Minnie' Sound (Solveig Helene) a student who found herself living alone in a trailer due to an accommodation mix-up. Just looking at the trailer from the outside gave me the chills, imagining living in there alone in the thanks!
Bringing back investigative reporter Gal Roberts
(Suziey Block) who finds herself embroiled in the mystery of what happened to
Minerva, we the audience are thrust into a nightmare world of haunting images
and jarringly scary video footage. 'I want to see my friend' may well be a
quote that will haunt me forever.
It would be a good time to add now that the horror truly kicks off form the get go with this film. I found the original brilliant in its build up, true crime style, to that haunting and horrifying ending but it works just as well here having the full works thrown right at you. There are many moments I could pinpoint here as truly scary but I'll leave these to you to discover.
If this wasn't enough the movie rounds out with the terrifying encounter a young mother, Ameliana Brasher (Brooke Bradshaw) had on that very same road, later that evening. This segment of the film is really upsetting and disturbing - footage of Ameliana out on that road interspersed with commentary with her mother (Christine Martin) makes for a truly gut-wrenching piece of horror.
Some fantastic acting across the cast - really authentic and natural dialogue here which makes the events get under your skin even more so. Suziey Block is excellent again as the intelligent and insightful Gal Roberts. I hope a future entry sees her out there in the desert as I think she may be a match for the horrors that lurk there. Solveig Helene as the ill-fated Minerva was great and oh so tragic at the same time. Watching her settle in, eager to start her studies is a pleasure but at the same time dread inducing. Sami Sallaway who plays a pivotal role in events after Minerva dies is fantastic as 'Cathy'. Watching her talk, I truly believed she had lost her best friend for real. Both Brooke Bradshaw and Christine Masters as the Brasher family again are brilliant - even if the events depicted leave a truly horrible taste in your mouth. Finally, a shout out to David Nichols Jr for his role as unlucky at work Luke Wells, a man who found himself involved in both incidents that night as an EMT. It’s disturbing to hear his take on that night, and he plays an important role in the overall finale.
Dutch's direction is again top notch - the shots covering the desert area are beautiful and eerie in equal measure. Where he excels even more is when he is leading us through a dark room or outside.... its just masterfully scary.
What I really loved about this sequel is that it doesn't provide all answers but most definitely whets the appetite for more entries in the overall universe. Keep us coming back for more is the right path I believe. People seem to be guessing all kinds of stuff about what is really happening out in that desert and its brilliant to read and join in with the speculation.
I just cannot wait to see what Horror in The High Desert 3: Firewatch brings later this year. I am not even fully sure I am personally ready to go back to that terrifying cabin out in the desert. But since this movie will revisit what happened to Gary Hinge...I kinda have to. Maybe with a pillow or two for company...
Go and watch Horror in
The High Desert 2: Minerva available on all good streaming platforms NOW - its so worth your attention.
Monday, 27 February 2023
The Outwaters (2022)
Written & Directed by Robbie Banfitch
The Outwaters is a film I have been dying to see since I first saw its horribly creepy teaser trailer. The simple premise of a group of friends shooting a music video out in the desert is underpinned with a sense of dread that I haven't seen/felt for a while.
Friday, 16 September 2022
Horror in the High Desert (2021)
Written and Directed by Dutch Marich
Available on VOD on most platforms.
The documentary aspect covers the mysterious disappearance
of adventurous hiker Gary Hinge who vanished after setting off to an undisclosed location
in the Great Basin Desert, Nevada. His
housemate and sister alerted the police, and a missing persons investigation began. Its across this documentary troubling details about Gary’s movements
begin to surface and eventually viewers are pulled into his final footage
This film scared me. I wont bother lying. By the time the finale
started I was already nervous as the film did such a good job at building a complete
sense of dread and foreboding. By the time we see Gary’s final moments of
filming I was pretty much hesitant to keep my eyes on the screen – the atmosphere,
the terrifying noises all around Gary are just perfectly constructed. I cannot remember
feeling so desperate for a horror movie character to EFFING RUN as I was
watching this. Complete props to Dutch Marich for crafting such an intriguing film
and ending it on a ghoulish sucker punch.
The cast were great. Other than various videos of Gary’s
we only see a few other characters, but they all add to the mystery really
well. Suziey Block is perfectly cast as the no nonsense report Gal Roberts.
Every scene she is in made me listen intently to what she was saying- she
really portrays an experienced and Knowledgeable reporter to excellent effect. Tonya Williams-Ogden and Errol Porter are also
great as Gary’s sister and roommate respectively. You can really feel their sadness
and distress at the disappearance of Gary, and I also like that they both
played scenes where you weren’t entirely sure if they might have something to
hide. David Morales as Bill Salerno a private
investigator is brilliant as the professional but caring man intent on helping Gary’s
family find closure. He has to play some of the darker scenes in the movie and
is very effective in helping to build on the dread factor. Eric Mencis as Gary
is fantastic – there is a kindness and gentleness about him that makes you feel
so invested in him and what happened to him. He plays his final moments so
effectively and as mentioned before....this had me wanting to look away from the screen.
The film also shines an important light on online bullying
and trolling. I don’t want to give anything away, but viewers will see that
there are some outside forces which play their part on what happens to Gary,
and it makes it all the more tragic. Sadly, Gary is a victim of such cruelty,
and his brave response is very much to his detriment.
I could not be more excitement that a sequel is on its way,
hopefully this Halloween, titled Horror in the High Desert 2: Minerva and both
Suziey Block and David Morales are back as Gal and Bill!
Honestly hats off to Dutch and cast and crew for creating,
for me, an unforgettable horror movie with suspense, mystery and absolute sheer
terror. WATCH IT.
Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Trick of the Witch (2010)
Written and directed by Chris Morrissey
Stars: Share Cherrie, Owen Alabado, Shay Alexis, Renae Boult, Keyanna Sawyer, Irene Villalobos, Micah Mora, Louis Montano, Jovanny Venegas, Rebecca Da Costa, Elizabeth Lam Nguyen, Gia Franzia
Release: Free to View
Wow. It's been a long old road to to see Chris Morrissey's supernatural horror thriller Trick of the Witch. I spent a long time harrasing the poor guy to review this film, it sounded right up my street and I found the trailer...well... bewitching.
I know that the movie had successfull screenings which fit Chris' and his team's vision on it being seen on the big screen. Now it is available for the masses and I am eternally grateful for Chris reaching out to me to share the news.
I have been admittedly very abscent on this site for the past few years. Not by choice but is hoping I can get back to doing what I love a lot more now.
So...the big question I guess is...was the wait for Trick of the Witch worth it? Described as a fun popcorn flick by Chris himself, I could not agree more.
There are so many elements to this movie that appeals to me and I think they are presented exceptionally well. The score is perfect - eerie and unsettling and really compliments the film. The setting is awesome! Seriously, it's this beautiful mansion with statues everywhere, ornate furniture and a well crafted sense of foreboding. The cast all bring variety with their looks and personalites, something that can get lost quite easily with a large cast but not here. I feel as though the main focus on Share Cherries character Krista is spot on but that everyone else gets their chance to shine.
So the film itself....Trick of the Witch features Krista, a hot mess of a women who is struggling with her personal life and her career. When she gets the chance to head up a new fashion shoot she jumps at it as she knows she has a lot to prove. However some unsettling incidents around her suggest all is definitely not what it seems when a certain venue falls into her lap to carry out the shoot. Dum dum dummmmmm.
So Krista, the models and crew make their way to the location and after several more odd occurances and discoveries, come together to get working. The aforementioned foreshadowing soon begins it creepy payoff as things go from bad to worse for the group and they find themselves in the fight for their very souls.
I wouldn't want to say much more than this but suffice to say things get dark and deadly and the climax is just brilliant. I know there was talk to a sequel some years ago and I truly hope that Chris, Share and co revisit this haunting world one day. There are some intruiging ambiguities in how the film ends which I really appreciate.
Share Cherrie is such a fantastic lead. Her character may be in a terrible place but Share is certainly not. Share plays her very realistically in terms of her personal struggles but also opens her up to things she previously has no belief/interest in. She's cautious but also really kick ass. Going toe to toe with Krista is the bitchy and spoilt Angel played by Shay Alexis. We get a bit of info about Angel before we meet her so we know she's going to be difficult. Shay nails the bad girl role and later down the line becomes a key player when everything blows up. I really loved Shay Alexis in this movie and her pool scene is brilliantly acted and shot. Owen Alabado really shines as the male lead who gets caught up with the creepy goings on. I know Owen has already done some great stuff (his role in Rock Haven...and I DONT just mean his bum 🤣) and here he plays brilliantly with Shares character. Both are caught in a horrifying situation towards the end and I felt horribly anxious for them both!
I enjoyed this film immensely and I can't wait to see Chris and co's subsequent work. Trick of the Witch is a fun, eerie and wonderfully made horror film and hope you all go and check it out.