Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Preternatural (2015)
Directed by Gav Chuckie Steel
Written by Dixon Barker
Stars: Gav Chuckie Steel, Dixon Barker
I was thrilled to be contacted by Deadbolt films, the guys behind one of my favorite independent slasher films (and its British to boot) The Shadow of Death. This time around Gav Chuckie Steel and Paul Dixon Barker are gearing up to release new film Preternatural.
To be honest I think its best that the mystery of this film is contained - you need to see it for yourself so just take the short synopsis: Two amateur film-makers find the movie they thought they were making, is actually making them and run with it.
Gav actually stars in the film, playing one of the two filmmakers along with Dixon Barker who...can you guess?....wrote this film. I really liked the way this film plays with reality and fantasy and a key element of suspense throughout is having no clue which way it will twist next.
Both Gav and Dixon do a great job playing the bickering filmmakers (they may of course not be acting but that's their business) as they struggle to get their work done on a low budget. Its when their recently cast actor turns up that things start making a more insidious decline. Mark Williams as 'Mark' does a superb job of playing the creepy and mysterious actor who Gav and Dixon will wish they had never met!
Things continue to get stranger and I think that is genuinely the real appeal of Preternatural - you probably haven't seen anything quite like it and that can only be a plus point.
Viewers who like a simple narrative and all questions answered may find themselves disappointed so do take this as a warning. However if you appreciate something a bit more mind bending and unwilling to conform to genre devices then this is your movie.
Monday, 21 December 2015
Pizza Girl Massacre (2014)
(Online Screener)
Written and directed by Jason Witter
Stars: Amy Bourque, Rhiannon Frazier, Debi Kierst, Scott Bryan
In the summer of 2013, a community theatre group from Albuquerque, NM decided to stage a production of William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Since the majority of the play takes place in an enchanted forest, the troupe thought it would be a good idea to rehearse in the woods. So they rented a cabin... In the woods... They never returned.
I was happy to talk to Jason Witter, the man behind this very different kind of found footage flick and obtain a copy for review. I am pleased to say it strikes a good balance between horror and comedy and comes across as downright dark and creepy in certain places.
Obviously renting a cabin in the woods is a terrible terrible idea and shooting a movie at the same time just means that when you are 'never seen or heard from again' people like me will have to watch to see what might have happened to you. I enjoy found footage horror, although some can truly test the patience of a saint, and this one was fresh and inventive as well as kind of nuts.
The rag tag group of theater actors, actresses and crew seem a bit spooked when they first meet the offbeat mother and son owner of their rented cabin. To be honest Mama Debi's initial appearance dragged me kicking and screaming back to the one truly scary part of Sleepaway Camp...Aunt Martha.
Of course this odd little interaction isn't going to throw a spanner in their works and so rather than run screaming for the hills they commence work. But there is more to this family unit then they realise and soon they will meet the dreaded daughter (played by Amy Borque) who is only too happy to be star of the show...with the theater group her unwilling prey.
The film plays out like a found footage slasher movie with shades of Texas Chainsaw Massacre and it does a great job of keeping you interested. You are not waiting for a final scene of true horror before the film abruptly ends which is refreshing to see and it also boats some insanely batshit performances (particularly Debi Kierst and Amy Borque). As previously mentioned there are moments of comedy throughout but some scenes are also downright disturbing - throw in some grisly murders and the outcome is actually a pretty well balanced film.
Looking forward to more work from Jason in the near future!
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Suffer the Little Children (2015)
(Online screener version)
Directed by Corey Norman
Written by Haley Norman
Stars: Anne Bobby, Andrew Lyndaker, Dan Domingues, Beth Sommerville
Many thanks to director Corey Norman for asking me to check out his new horror short Suffer the Little Children which is based on the short story by Stephen King (available as part of the Nightmares and Dreamscapes anthology).
This is a short that will stick with you for some time (if you have a soul) and I have to confess that while I found it brilliantly realised by Corey and Haley Norman, there were moments I wanted to look away!
This is a difficult one to review in the sense I don't want to give anything away for those who are unfamiliar with the short story and so I will leave it at a brief summary. Anne Bobby who starred in the fantastic Nightbreed from the macabre Clive Barker plays a stressed school teacher who suspects something is horribly wrong with the children in her class. After a horrifying encounter with one of her pupils - a brilliantly eerie performance by Andrew Lyndaker - Anne's character Miss Sidley ends up on sick leave. When she returns however she has a dark plan to end the evils she is certain have taken hold of the school.
What happens next is jaw dropping - the climax of this short is horrible yes but also extremely well executed and acted. The main question that soon remains is what is really going on at this school?
There is a nice streak of ambiguity in Suffer the Little Children but do not let that put you off - I think it only adds to an effective film which really makes you think and reassess what you have just watched. Hats off to the Normans for an excellent and unsettling horror short which deserves to be seen by a wider audience.
Monday, 5 October 2015
Bloody Island (2016)
(Online screener copy)
Written and directed by: Joseph P. Kelly
Stars: Christopher Woods Marlin, William 'Wildbear' Meyer, Stephen Cena, Jamie Morgan, Yolanda Evans, Joseph P. Kelly, Denys Ramos Jr, Mike Jones, Rhys Lyons, Todd Forkell, Erica Lorenzetti, Liza Pabon, Amelia Favata, Casey Litzenberger.
A few years back in 2012 I was lucky to get the chance to preview offbeat slasher movie Community Service (Review) and now I have had the opportunity to check out its insane sequel Bloody Island.
With a nice fast and frenzied recap of the original movie, Bloody Island kicks off and one thing that struck me immediately was a vast improvement in the cinematography from the first film. I'm not sure if the budget for the film is any higher than Community Service but it sure looks like it.
Another thing is continuity - I really like how various family members etc of the victims of Community Service share their views on the bloodbath that killer Billy caused the first time around. It doesn't feel like exposition overkill in the slightest just a decent and creative way of bridging the gap between the movies and ensures audiences are confident that events from the original haven't been discarded in order to 'change things up' for the sequel.
So what horrors are in store in Bloody Island? Bob Butterfield is back following previous events and carries a lot of guilt for his part in Billy's childhood psychosis (which became ten times worse as an adult!). Bob is a good guy but he makes some monumentally insane decisions - no less this time around when he agrees to escort another bunch of juvenile delinquents to a secluded island in order to supervise their punishment. Still, no bad decision = no horror movie so stay with it! This time around the island is home to an abandoned theme park (bar a few wonderfully odd carnies who have remained behind|) which really adds to the creepy atmosphere.
Killer Billy is still after Bob with an absolute vengeance...I recall having a slight moan about a mother/child scene in Community Service and another similar scene occurs in the opening act to this movie. In hindsight, this does reflect how detestable a man Billy is and its clear that all he honestly cares about is ending the life of the man he blames for all of his problems - no one is safe!
And this horrible scene is just the start of a sickening killing spree which will make you choke on your popcorn. Characters are spared no pain and I wont go into any spoilers on this but just be sure to keep your eyes open for some cruel theme park based executions.. Props to Joseph for not softening the blow and giving Bloody Island a real streak of the nasty!
I very much recommend Bloody Island and to grab a copy when its made available to the unsuspecting public. Its brutal and nasty but a hell of a lot of fun and follows on perfectly from the original film. Read more about it over here on Facebook!
Community Service - The Movie (2012)
(Online Screener Copy)
Directed by Joseph Kelly
Written by Joseph Lewis and David Berry
Stars: Christopher Woods, William Meyer, Joseph Kelly, Iliana Garcia, Caitlyn Kenyon, Hope Tomaselli, Renell Edwards, Marissa Mynter, Daniel Trinh, Tristan MacAvery, Joseph Thomson, Christopher Mele, Amy Downs.
Big thank you to film maker Joe Kelly for being kind enough to share his indie slasher flick Community Service with me! I am loving the recent spate (Raymond Did It anyone?) of indie horrors which appear to pay direct homage to some of the more obscure revenge slashers of the 80s such as Offerings and for me, Community Service does a great job in achieving this.
The plot of the film kicks off in the past where a young lonely boy, Billy, is accosted by a pair of mean kids who have been making his life a misery at school. The young lads go a step too far when they attempt to destroy something very close to Billy's heart causing him to snap and lose his temper. In a fit of rage Billy attacks and kills one of the bullies much to the horror of a number of onlookers.
20 years later Billy is in the nut house and not showing any sign of improvement on his anger issues, meanwhile the surviving bully, Bob, has become a local police officer. 'Officer Bob' has the thankless task of running a community service programme at a nearby camp ground which very unfortunately is situated close to the psychiatric ward that has become Billy's home.
Being a slasher flick, it goes without saying that Officer Bob and his young charges, all on the programme for various petty crimes, are in big trouble. Billy has made his escape following learning of Bobs position and whereabouts and he wants to finish what he started 20 years ago...no matter who else he has to kill along the way.
I really enjoyed this short but sweet slasher. It has all your required ingredients to make a successful body count movie: incident from the past rearing its ugly head, psychotic child growing up to be an even more psychotic adult, a motely group of teenagers with differing personalities and traits, and a number of good kills. My only real complaint about the movie was a scene involving a mother and child which I just found to be a bit unnecessary.
I also think the film turned out some fine performances. Most of the teens did a good job particularly Iliana Garcia and Caitlyn Kenyon and I also enjoyed Christopher Woods portrayal of Officer Bob.
I think Joe Kelly hit the nail on the head with Community Service its obvious he knows he slasher fare and used his knowledge to create a fun, well paced, often funny, at many times gory, horror film. I am extremely interested to know what Joe might be working on next and I will also be first in line to check it out. Head on over to the official Community Service: The Movie website to find out more about the film and show your support by grabbing a copy as soon as its released!
Monday, 7 September 2015
Dismembering Christmas (2015)
(Online Screener Copy)
Written by Steve Goltz and Kevin Sommerfield
Directed by Austin Bosley
Stars: Nina Kova, Johnathon Krautkramer, Leah Wiseman, Baker Chase Powell, Danielle Doetsch, Austin Bosley, Jennifer Lenius, Shannon McInnis, Marla Van Lanen and Scott Seagren
It really doesn't seem long ago that I was gearing up to watch the first feature from Slasher Studios Don't go to the Reunion but as we all know, time really does fly and I have now just finished the fantastic follow up; Dismembering Christmas. Another love letter to an era truly embraced by Slasher Studios, the 80s slice and dice, this film takes a hacksaw to the much loved yuletide holiday with gleeful abandon.
The film features a group of young friends celebrating at a lakeside cabin during a very snowy winter, while someone watches from afar, planning to take them out one by bloody one... so nothing overly new in the slasher plot side of things but really who cares? Any movie that plays homage to the body count films of the 1980s will always pique my interest! Dismembering Christmas is fun, creative and features a great ending sequence. It also boats numerous impressive performances- notably Nina Kova as lead girl Sam, Leah Wiseman and Danielle Doetsch as the warring Emma and Katie, Marla Van Lanen as Joan the odd ball neighbor and Baker Chase Powell as Mark.
Another important point to note is how GREAT this film looks. The cinematography is stellar, the direction by Austin Bosley is on point,even quirky at times and the snow just gives Dismembering Christmas the perfect winter chill.
Steve Goltz and Kevin Sommerfield have written a great, twisted script with laughs and frights and they are not afraid to kill off characters regardless of how nice and likable some of them are. Its a strange one as they have written two features now, both of which I would love to see sequels to (I'm a sequel guy) but at same time I want to see what new film they might pen next. who knows maybe one day they will have 8 horror features under their belts AND numerous sequels!
I whole wholeheartedly recommend Dismembering Christmas and encourage you to check out is official Facebook and get a preorder in for the DVD in now!
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
Three Tears on Bloodstained Flesh (2014)
Written and Directed by Jakob Bilinski
Stars: Bill Gobin, Jim Dougherty, Kayla Crance, Angela Steele, Rosalind Rubin, Scott Ganyo
Congratulations to Jakob Bilinski for creating a slasher movie with a nice giallo feel, but that still very much has its own identity. I am sure the man himself will tell you I have had my beady eye on this for sometime and I do hope I didn't raise my interest to stalker levels, although I will say how pleased I was to get to see and review it.
Three Tears on Bloodstained Flesh starts out with a gruesome murder which sets the tone and plot for the remainder of the film - a film that it dark, bleak, unapologetic but ultimately entertaining throughout. That can be a hard task for any film maker, for a 80-90 minute movie but this movie runs for over 2 hours! I am so glad to say that's not at all a criticism and like I say, this film is entertaining for its run time. Back to the plot, Bill Gobin plays hard arsed Dominic, angry and haunted man who is forced to return to his home town following the gruesome death of his niece. Taking his unhappy teenage daughter Kendall (Kayla Crance) with him Dominic is forced to face the family and townsfolk he left behind - and find his nieces killer before it literally kills him.
What transpires from here is a dark journey which exposes a town shrouded in mystery - its hard to tell who is good, bad or in between as Dominic pulls out all the stops to bring a killer down. A killer who is just getting started... not to mention all of the other strange happenings occurring all around the town.
I can honestly say I haven't seen a film quite like this one. Its got a number of elements which together make for an intriguing murder mystery (and far more going on than just that) with colorful and quirky characters and a real sense of 'oh shit did that just happen??'.
Speaking of the characters - Dominic is bad bad bad man for the way he curses to and in front of his teenage daughter - its arguably abuse! That said, Bill Gobin does an excellent job in his role as a truly tormented man whose pain could be increased ten fold by the time his journey is done. Kayla Crance is equally as good as Dominic's daughter Kendall - she has clearly learnt her language from dear old pa and is feisty and fun along with it. Rosalind Rubin in her role as the mysterious Kacie is also one to watch.
Finally I want to point out how well made this film is - it may be an independent picture sure but its shot and filmed perfectly. It looks fresh and new and full of vibrant colors which only help to compliment its giallo feel. I am already a huge fan of Jakobs work from his short films so now I can see what he is capable of with two whole hours I am real excited.
Check out Three Tears on Bloodstained Flesh on Facebook and I hope to be able to give you news on an official DVD release real soon.
On a final note....the ending of this film.... sweet hell.......
Monday, 15 June 2015
Tales of Poe (2014)
Directed by Bart Mastronardi and Alan Rowe Kelly
Written by Alan Rowe Kelly, Bart Mastronardi and Michael Varrati
Stars: Alan Rowe Kelly, Debbie Rochon, Caroline Williams, Adrienne King, Amy Steel, Desiree Gould, Lesleh Donaldson, Randy Jones, Michael Varrati, David Marancik, Susan Adriensen, Amy Lynn Best, Zoe Daelman Chlanda (WHAT A CAST ANYONE??)
I have been eagerly anticipating Tales of Poe since viewing one of the shorts some time ago and also being familiar with Bart Mastronardi and Alan Rowe Kelly's great contributions to the horror genre. Tales of Poe is a wonderful anthology film, interpreting two of Poe's original stories and a poem- giving audiences a mixture of terror, beauty, fantastic storytelling and amazing performances. I will take the short films one at a time but can easily say this is a must own off the bat:
The Tell Tale Heart
The Tell Tale Heart is a truly wonderful short horror film, acting as writer/director, Bart Mastronardi’s interpretation of the classic Poe story. The film stars Debbie Rochon as a newly admitted mental institute patient, who finds herself recounting the events leading to her incarceration to the acidic Evelyn (Happy Birthday to Me’s ill-fated Lesleh Donaldson) and the squirmy, chuckling Fritz (David Marancik – Gallery of Fear). What follows is an amazingly shot, intriguing, mysterious, insight to Rochon’s time spent working as nurse for ageing former movie star Peggy Lamarr (Alan Rowe Kelly in fine form as the VERY faded star). It is here, within Lamarr’s oppressively large home, that we begin to see Rochon’s nurse succumb to, possibly madness, possibly something far more sinister, as she begins to become disturbingly obsessed with the gruesomely afflicted eye of her charge.
I would hate to give anything more away as this short should really be seen fresh, the way I was lucky enough to view it. All I will say is that things get bloody very soon and Debbie Rochon gives the performance of her career towards the climax of the film. The ending back at the mental hospital is both shocking and awe inspiring at the same time and I was 100% on the edge of my seat by this
All performances were brilliant though I have to say. Lesleh Donaldson played the unlikable Evelyn to the hilt, delivering a solid character you really wanted to see come unstuck, while David Marancik played the crazed ‘Fritz’ with genuine ease – I really believed I was watching an insane man, so a job well done. Alan Rowe Kelly as the formidable looking Peggy Lamarr was both a joy and a horror to watch, I would not want to be stuck in a house with this woman that’s for damn sure. It was also fantastic to see Desiree (Sleepaway Camp) Gould back on screen as the hard as nails Nurse Malliard. Just as she did back in the horror heyday, Gould plays the authoritarian figure with skill and ease, except this time, gone are the wide eyes, creepy false smiles, and cheery tone, replaced by a piercing stare, vicious snarl and a Rottweiler of a bark.
Bart Mastronardi has written and directed something very special to the horror genre, just like his previous feature length movie Vindication, he has made a horror movie that is both beautiful and horrifying. Most people would disagree that it’s appropriate to use the word beautiful in conjunction with a horror movie….those people just haven’t seen The Tell-Tale Heart yet.
All performances were brilliant though I have to say. Lesleh Donaldson played the unlikable Evelyn to the hilt, delivering a solid character you really wanted to see come unstuck, while David Marancik played the crazed ‘Fritz’ with genuine ease – I really believed I was watching an insane man, so a job well done. Alan Rowe Kelly as the formidable looking Peggy Lamarr was both a joy and a horror to watch, I would not want to be stuck in a house with this woman that’s for damn sure. It was also fantastic to see Desiree (Sleepaway Camp) Gould back on screen as the hard as nails Nurse Malliard. Just as she did back in the horror heyday, Gould plays the authoritarian figure with skill and ease, except this time, gone are the wide eyes, creepy false smiles, and cheery tone, replaced by a piercing stare, vicious snarl and a Rottweiler of a bark.
Bart Mastronardi has written and directed something very special to the horror genre, just like his previous feature length movie Vindication, he has made a horror movie that is both beautiful and horrifying. Most people would disagree that it’s appropriate to use the word beautiful in conjunction with a horror movie….those people just haven’t seen The Tell-Tale Heart yet.
The Cask
The Cask is an uncomfortable, riveting watch complete with sinister plans, treachery, backstabbing and danger.
A short by the amazing Alan Rowe Kelly who also plays the lead role, commences with the wedding party of Furtonato Montresor (Randy Jones) and his deceptive wife Gogo where we are also treated to lots of indie horror movie cameos (Amy Lynn Best and Mike Watt of Happy Cloud Pictures woot!) and a nice turn by Susan Adriensen as the bonkers housekeeper.
From here on out its ghoulish twists and turns as Gogo's horrifying plans play out and viewers are left on their seats edge as events go from bad to worse.
I had the most fun with The Cask - its like a very classy episode of Tales From the Crypt in regards to its violent revenge theme. It had me biting my nails as to whether Gogo's plans would succeed and then cowering slightly when things got gruesome. It also packs a fantastic finale which brings everything that came before nicely together with a macabre final shot.
There is a dreamy quality to the filming which gives the film a slightly surreal edge along its dark and creepy journey - I cant imagine anyone not being swept away by this short film and then jolted in terror as it wraps up! Great, great work.
Furthering the surreal edge of The Cask, this final story takes that crown and runs off with it into another dimension. It features an amazing bevvy of horror movie greats - Lesleh Donaldson again, Adrienne King (Friday 13th) Amy Steel (Friday 13th part 2) AND Caroline Williams (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2) with an amazing lead in newcomer Bette Cassat.
Directed by Bart Mastronardi and written by Michael Varrati this particular short is unique in that its based on a poem rather than a fleshed out story and the final product couldn't be any more befitting of the title.
Its hard to describe Dreams other than it features insanely amazing imagery both beautiful and alluring and terrifying and grotesque. It really is a one of a kind experience which some viewers may find a bit jarring after the previous shorts but personally I think it wrapped things up on an outstanding and highly artistic level.
Directed by Bart Mastronardi and written by Michael Varrati this particular short is unique in that its based on a poem rather than a fleshed out story and the final product couldn't be any more befitting of the title.
Its hard to describe Dreams other than it features insanely amazing imagery both beautiful and alluring and terrifying and grotesque. It really is a one of a kind experience which some viewers may find a bit jarring after the previous shorts but personally I think it wrapped things up on an outstanding and highly artistic level.
Check out the official website I hope you will all get the chance to see this fantastic movie as soon as possible. It hasn't won a staggering amount of awards for nothing!
Sometimes I get to review films that are a complete pleasure from start to finish and this is indeed one of those.
Tuesday, 2 June 2015
The Cutting Room (2015)
Witten and Directed by Warren Dudley
Produced by Warren Dudley and TJ Herbert
Stars: Parry Glasspool, Lucy-Jane Quinlan, Lydia Orange and TJ Herbet
Release: UK DVD 1 June 2015
It’s always nice to see a new UK horror movie, particularly one as hair raising and twisted as The Cutting Room. Warren Dudley directs a great cast, including Parry Glasspool, (currently stirring up some nice drama in Hollyoaks) and has produced a brilliantly twisted script that literally had me biting the ends of my fingers off.
The Cutting Room is shot found footage style which may put some off, I have always quite enjoyed them (when good) and this one was gripping, tense and I would recommend to give it a shot regardless. You may even enjoy the hilarious Blair Witch parody....
All three main cast members do a great job, Parry Glasspool plays Raz the college clown and apparent womanizer as a natural. He could easily be a character that audiences hate, but I actually think he came across as more cheeky and amusing as opposed to some of the names his girlfriend Charlie calls him during the movie. That says poor Charlie has to date the guy and he says a lot to try her patience. I think Lucy-Jane Quinlan played Charlie with a great mixture of feisty and frightened and as the film progressed I started to feel genuinely nervous for her character as all signs started to point at an insidious plan for her. The character of Jess was fun and interesting and Lydia Orange shows some great acting chops toward the end of the film where she finds herself in a baffling and horrifying position. I wish we would have seen a little more of Jess but what we did see was great. TJ Herbert, who co produced the film, also plays a small but significant role as a potential suspect in the disappearances and this is suitably creepy and unsettling. But just how much does his character has to do with the events on screen?
I cant and wont go into any spoilers but a couple of things I will say is the beginning of the movie is excellently executed. A grisly scene plays out to an insanely cheerful song and it just works so well in drawing you in. The ending...well....just PAY ATTENTION. That's all I will say. Very well done and a jaw dropper for sure.
I cant wait to see what Warren Dudley and co have to offer next, The Cutting Room is a well executed nightmare with believable performances and a frightening plot, not to mention yet again a killer ending. Find out more about the film at its official site HERE or its Facebook page - also please go grab a copy and support indie horror!
All three main cast members do a great job, Parry Glasspool plays Raz the college clown and apparent womanizer as a natural. He could easily be a character that audiences hate, but I actually think he came across as more cheeky and amusing as opposed to some of the names his girlfriend Charlie calls him during the movie. That says poor Charlie has to date the guy and he says a lot to try her patience. I think Lucy-Jane Quinlan played Charlie with a great mixture of feisty and frightened and as the film progressed I started to feel genuinely nervous for her character as all signs started to point at an insidious plan for her. The character of Jess was fun and interesting and Lydia Orange shows some great acting chops toward the end of the film where she finds herself in a baffling and horrifying position. I wish we would have seen a little more of Jess but what we did see was great. TJ Herbert, who co produced the film, also plays a small but significant role as a potential suspect in the disappearances and this is suitably creepy and unsettling. But just how much does his character has to do with the events on screen?
I cant and wont go into any spoilers but a couple of things I will say is the beginning of the movie is excellently executed. A grisly scene plays out to an insanely cheerful song and it just works so well in drawing you in. The ending...well....just PAY ATTENTION. That's all I will say. Very well done and a jaw dropper for sure.
I cant wait to see what Warren Dudley and co have to offer next, The Cutting Room is a well executed nightmare with believable performances and a frightening plot, not to mention yet again a killer ending. Find out more about the film at its official site HERE or its Facebook page - also please go grab a copy and support indie horror!
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
The Black Tape (2014)
(DVD Screener)
Written and Directed by Ramone Menon
Stars: Elina Madison, Allen Marsh, Melanie Thompson, Parker Coppins, Viktoria Paje Oto, Brezina Bryan, Mordechai Jackson and Cassi Ellis.
Here is a found (or rather delivered) footage horror film which I enjoyed aside from one issue. On the plus side it's creepy as heck, has a nice air of mystery running throughout and delivers a spine chilling end. Not even the usual jump scare, camera falls to the floor kind of end, no this film is too smart for that. It has several creepy scenes all the way through and some scenes of startling horror so it would have been a huge shame for it to end on a predictable note. In this film we get the answer to a question which plagues you from the start - a pre-credit scene truly made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I kind of wanted to look away! Not gory, not gratuitous...just plain scary.
The majority of The Black Tape is made up of a family, stalked by an unknown predator, filming their every move. This very unfortunate family have no idea that they are the stars of a self made murder film where they have been cast as the victims.
The film takes several really impressive turns and rather than have a bit of set up and then BAM maniac makes their move... the terror is spread over a surprisingly long time. A plot point leads the family to believe all is behind them but sadly no, everything that happened before was just one part of a truly sickening plan.
There were some really good performance particularly from Elina Madison and Melanie Thompson as mother and daughter Alana and Stephanie. Melanie does a fine job of a potential victim in waiting, going about her teenage dramas in believable fashion. Elina plays the terrorized mother to perfection with equal parts fear and fight - not to mention a worrying dark side which is only discovered due to the stalkers voyeurism.
An intriguing and often scary horror film with a kicker of an ending. My only criticism being I felt some character fates felt too left up in the air - there is definite sequel scope and I hope you would agree with me when you watch. Find out more about the film HERE and remember to check every nook and cranny of your home before turning out the lights.....
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
Volumes of Blood (2015)
Jakob Bilinski
PJ Starks
Lee Vervoort
Nathan Thomas Milliner
John Kenneth Muir
Todd Martin
PJ Starks
Nathan Thomas Milliner
Stars: Jason Crowe, Roni Jonah, Alexandria Hendrick, Garret Smith, Louisa Torres, Jim O'Rear, Todd Reynolds, Jordan Phillips, Elissa Grant, Louisa Torres, Kristine Renee Farley, Kevin Roach
Volumes of Blood is a collaborative effort from some of independent horror films greats and one I have been looking forward to since director and writer P.J Starks let me know about it. Not only is the film a great, involving anthology, it also provides an original spin on the format, particularly in its final act.
I think the best way to share my thoughts on VoB is to go through each segment in turn but to give some idea of the films overall structure, we essentially follow a group of college kids discussing the invention of new and original urban legends via their own individual horror stories. Each segment takes place in the same library in which the group are sharing their tales which I think is a nice touch indeed.
Segment one, A Little Pick Me Up is a wicked little short with a jaw dropping end. Alexandria Hendrick plays an overtired student desperately trying to complete her work late at night in the library. When she is approached by a mysterious salesman (Jim O'Rear) to sample a new energy drink, its pretty clear that there are sinister intentions at play. Things go from bad to worse at a rapid rate and the short ends in spectacular style. Great opening segment! Written by Todd Martin. Directed by John Kenneth Muir.
Segment two, Ghastly Written and directed by PJ Starks is a spooky ghost story which features a librarian haunted by a mysterious force. I loved the black and white used in this classic tale, a very nice touch. This short also boasts some impressive ghost effects, the horribly contorted face of the librarians tormentor looking like something out of your worst nightmares. I have a very minor complaint with this short and that is purely that I wish it was longer. I have loved (and feared) the idea of a haunted library ever since that damn opening scene to Ghostbusters and I would love PJ to consider a feature length movie along these lines in the future. Like I say, I fully appreciate that this is anthology and therefore you cant have two much of each story - this is just an expression of interest ;)
Segment three, 13 After Midnight Written by PJ Starks. Directed by Jacob Bilinski has a nice creature feature spin to it and there is an effective and creepy element of 'fear whats in the shadows' to it. Expect this segment to twist and turn a bit also with one hell of a downbeat finale.
Segment four, The encyclopedia Satanica Written by Nathan Thomas Milliner and Todd Martin. Directed by Nathan Thomas Milliner is a cool and creepy tale of spells and demons. Kristine Renee Farley who has done some amazing work with Big Biting Pig Productions as well as the incredible Bloody Hooker Bang Bang: A Love Story really brings her A game here once again. I have now seen Kristine play several challenging, not to mention different roles and her turn her as guilt ridden turned tormented Paige only furthers my belief that she deserves a most amazing career. This short gives some brilliant bloody effects as with the others, this time with a darker and more ominous feel.
The final segment Thats a Wrap turns everything else on its head in a GREAT way. I wont give any spoilers on this front but be assured, you need to stick with the film right through to the credits as Volumes of Blood ends with a most satisfying, carnage filled denouement. Written by P.J Starks. Directed by Lee Vervoort.
Highly recommended from this reviewer, Volumes of Blood brings laughs, blood, grue, scares and an overall sense of fun - something that horror anthologies used to do so well but has been somewhat lacking in recent years. I would love this dream team to come together for a follow up anthology, I couldn't imagine what gory delights they may have up their sleeves for a part 2. Please head on over to the movies official Website and Facebook page for more details and show this film some real support!
Jakob Bilinski
PJ Starks
Lee Vervoort
Nathan Thomas Milliner
John Kenneth Muir
Todd Martin
PJ Starks
Nathan Thomas Milliner
Stars: Jason Crowe, Roni Jonah, Alexandria Hendrick, Garret Smith, Louisa Torres, Jim O'Rear, Todd Reynolds, Jordan Phillips, Elissa Grant, Louisa Torres, Kristine Renee Farley, Kevin Roach
Volumes of Blood is a collaborative effort from some of independent horror films greats and one I have been looking forward to since director and writer P.J Starks let me know about it. Not only is the film a great, involving anthology, it also provides an original spin on the format, particularly in its final act.
I think the best way to share my thoughts on VoB is to go through each segment in turn but to give some idea of the films overall structure, we essentially follow a group of college kids discussing the invention of new and original urban legends via their own individual horror stories. Each segment takes place in the same library in which the group are sharing their tales which I think is a nice touch indeed.
Segment one, A Little Pick Me Up is a wicked little short with a jaw dropping end. Alexandria Hendrick plays an overtired student desperately trying to complete her work late at night in the library. When she is approached by a mysterious salesman (Jim O'Rear) to sample a new energy drink, its pretty clear that there are sinister intentions at play. Things go from bad to worse at a rapid rate and the short ends in spectacular style. Great opening segment! Written by Todd Martin. Directed by John Kenneth Muir.
Segment two, Ghastly Written and directed by PJ Starks is a spooky ghost story which features a librarian haunted by a mysterious force. I loved the black and white used in this classic tale, a very nice touch. This short also boasts some impressive ghost effects, the horribly contorted face of the librarians tormentor looking like something out of your worst nightmares. I have a very minor complaint with this short and that is purely that I wish it was longer. I have loved (and feared) the idea of a haunted library ever since that damn opening scene to Ghostbusters and I would love PJ to consider a feature length movie along these lines in the future. Like I say, I fully appreciate that this is anthology and therefore you cant have two much of each story - this is just an expression of interest ;)
Segment three, 13 After Midnight Written by PJ Starks. Directed by Jacob Bilinski has a nice creature feature spin to it and there is an effective and creepy element of 'fear whats in the shadows' to it. Expect this segment to twist and turn a bit also with one hell of a downbeat finale.
Segment four, The encyclopedia Satanica Written by Nathan Thomas Milliner and Todd Martin. Directed by Nathan Thomas Milliner is a cool and creepy tale of spells and demons. Kristine Renee Farley who has done some amazing work with Big Biting Pig Productions as well as the incredible Bloody Hooker Bang Bang: A Love Story really brings her A game here once again. I have now seen Kristine play several challenging, not to mention different roles and her turn her as guilt ridden turned tormented Paige only furthers my belief that she deserves a most amazing career. This short gives some brilliant bloody effects as with the others, this time with a darker and more ominous feel.
The final segment Thats a Wrap turns everything else on its head in a GREAT way. I wont give any spoilers on this front but be assured, you need to stick with the film right through to the credits as Volumes of Blood ends with a most satisfying, carnage filled denouement. Written by P.J Starks. Directed by Lee Vervoort.
Highly recommended from this reviewer, Volumes of Blood brings laughs, blood, grue, scares and an overall sense of fun - something that horror anthologies used to do so well but has been somewhat lacking in recent years. I would love this dream team to come together for a follow up anthology, I couldn't imagine what gory delights they may have up their sleeves for a part 2. Please head on over to the movies official Website and Facebook page for more details and show this film some real support!
Monday, 30 March 2015
POV (2014)
Written and Directed by Richard Anthony Dunford
Stars: Tom Clear, Karl Kennedy-Williams, Tuula Costelloe, Lewis Saunderson, Jamie Langlands, Sarah Harkins
Many thanks to Richard Anthony Dunford for sharing his creepy new horror movie POV with me. I am always excited to see a good British horror film especially those that are low budget but made with a true love to the genre. POV is one such film and unique in the sense that you follow the action through the eyes of main character Zack (Tom Clear) a down on his luck guy following a painful break up.
When Zacks brother (Karl Kennedy-Williams) and his best mates Mackenzie and Vickers (Lewis Saunderson and Jamie Langlands) drag him to a weekend long house party to cheer him up it is clear that something is going to come along and ruin the fun..
A creepy tale of demonic possession and death in the houses history, spun by Mackenzie, raises a few laughs and retorts as the party goers are far more interested in booze and music to truly believe such a story. However Zack soon starts to experience disturbing sightings which soon make the viewer question what is really happening - are the demons real, is Zack going mad, or something else...? Suffice to say the shit hits the fan real hard and real fast.
I really enjoyed POV, it has a unique way of telling its story, it has some great characters and actors and there are some genuine scares. In fact one scene where Mackenzie scares Zack made me jump out of my fucking skin. I think I was expecting something else to happen or something, I'm not sure, all I know is that i swore very loudly..... I also liked the fact that the film took some nice twists and turns in its final 10 minutes and kudos to Richard for not giving viewers all the easy answers on a plate. For its low-no budget I also think the film is presented really well and I really liked the practical effects on display.
All main actors were great, Lewis Saunderson were both very funny in the roles of the best friends trying to do a nice thing for their mate. Lots of piss taking and barbs are exchanged which is totally realistic of a group of male friends. Karl Kennedy- Williams was a real stand out as the protective brother Sam, he comes across as equal parts good guy and total knobhead, and he has the mouth to match. A great and entertaining character! I felt nothing but pity for poor Zack as played by Tom Clear. He is having the worst time ever and then finds himself in the middle of a far far worse situation. I was rooting for him to get out it in one piece but to say anymore would be too spoilerish. Oh and Tuula Costelloe as party girl Lizzy was a massive hoot!.
Please check out the official website for POV and show your love for British indie horror. I hope you guys will get to see the film for yourselves real soon.
Friday, 13 February 2015
Sodomaniac (2015)
(Online Screener Copy)
Directed by Anthony Catanese
Written by Anthony Catanese, Steve Ravesz
Stars: Craig Kelly, Allan Sconza, Kirk Ponton, Dale Gordon, Josh Rocco, Nicole Hamilton, Amanda Stauss, Greg Kline
Thanks so much to the guys behind this crazy little flick for letting me check it out for review.
A friend out in the reviewing field tipped me off to Sodomaniac, a film that actually hadn't come across my radar til then. I am glad I got to hear about it as the film is a certifiable blast - it has some amazingly loyal 80s slasher tropes (atmosphere, soundtrack, foreboding music, obnoxious and unlikable cannon fodder) all mixed up with something new, gross and unusual. So many points already huh?
So the plot goes a little something like this; a group of arsehole men (aside from Derrick played by Allan Sconza) fancy themselves as the ultimate of alpha males and spend their time talking shit, drinking, doing drugs and umm....date raping young women. Obviously this shocking crossing of the line and outright criminal behavior needs to be addressed and this being a horror film at heart, there is someone out there watching and waiting to take a painful revenge. In fact said revenge is going to hit these guys right where it hurts - for all their jokes and comments about gay sex and anal sex, the killer is intent on making the punishment fit the crime. Decked out in a mask which is basically a big arse (yep- see picture above!) the vengeful madman sets about putting their own visceral spin on sodomy, taking the rapist men out one by one...in the bum....
Although the subject matter is undoubtedly dark, rest assured that Sodomaniac is an effectively funny horror comedy. The dialogue works well as it helps to ensure you are in no way rooting for the victims to be but also gets the intended laughs along the way.
The story is well drawn and clips along at a decent pace which is great as there is a lot going on throughout and all the while you are getting closer to the truth regarding the killers identity. On that note I was extremely impressed by the red herrings and hints dropped all the way along. I LOVE whodunnit plots whether it be in a movie, soap opera, TV series and I always enjoy the scenes that are basically telling you 'yep this guy/girl could be doing because...'. I think Sodomaniac did a great job at keeping you guessing and changing your mind as the film heads to its climax. One part of the final reveal I did get right (but I did second guess myself at one point on this also!)
I have to recommend this movie 100%, its funny, crude, rude, gross and hilarious with a good story and a great dose of mystery chucked in as well. The main cast all play their parts well and there is definite promise from director/writer Anthony Catanese to deliver some more excellent horror and/or comedy in the future. Please check this flick out over on Facebook and hopefully release details will be forthcoming soon.
Watch your ass folks!
Directed by Anthony Catanese
Written by Anthony Catanese, Steve Ravesz
Stars: Craig Kelly, Allan Sconza, Kirk Ponton, Dale Gordon, Josh Rocco, Nicole Hamilton, Amanda Stauss, Greg Kline
Thanks so much to the guys behind this crazy little flick for letting me check it out for review.
A friend out in the reviewing field tipped me off to Sodomaniac, a film that actually hadn't come across my radar til then. I am glad I got to hear about it as the film is a certifiable blast - it has some amazingly loyal 80s slasher tropes (atmosphere, soundtrack, foreboding music, obnoxious and unlikable cannon fodder) all mixed up with something new, gross and unusual. So many points already huh?
So the plot goes a little something like this; a group of arsehole men (aside from Derrick played by Allan Sconza) fancy themselves as the ultimate of alpha males and spend their time talking shit, drinking, doing drugs and umm....date raping young women. Obviously this shocking crossing of the line and outright criminal behavior needs to be addressed and this being a horror film at heart, there is someone out there watching and waiting to take a painful revenge. In fact said revenge is going to hit these guys right where it hurts - for all their jokes and comments about gay sex and anal sex, the killer is intent on making the punishment fit the crime. Decked out in a mask which is basically a big arse (yep- see picture above!) the vengeful madman sets about putting their own visceral spin on sodomy, taking the rapist men out one by one...in the bum....
Although the subject matter is undoubtedly dark, rest assured that Sodomaniac is an effectively funny horror comedy. The dialogue works well as it helps to ensure you are in no way rooting for the victims to be but also gets the intended laughs along the way.
The story is well drawn and clips along at a decent pace which is great as there is a lot going on throughout and all the while you are getting closer to the truth regarding the killers identity. On that note I was extremely impressed by the red herrings and hints dropped all the way along. I LOVE whodunnit plots whether it be in a movie, soap opera, TV series and I always enjoy the scenes that are basically telling you 'yep this guy/girl could be doing because...'. I think Sodomaniac did a great job at keeping you guessing and changing your mind as the film heads to its climax. One part of the final reveal I did get right (but I did second guess myself at one point on this also!)
I have to recommend this movie 100%, its funny, crude, rude, gross and hilarious with a good story and a great dose of mystery chucked in as well. The main cast all play their parts well and there is definite promise from director/writer Anthony Catanese to deliver some more excellent horror and/or comedy in the future. Please check this flick out over on Facebook and hopefully release details will be forthcoming soon.
Watch your ass folks!
Monday, 19 January 2015
Agoraphobia (2015)
(Online Screener Copy)
Written and Directed by Lou Simon
Stars: Cassie Scerbo, Tony Todd, Maria Olsen, Julie Kendall, Adam Brudnicki, Aniela McGuinness, Mario Temes, Gema Celaro, Mario Nalini, Roberto Escobar
As a fan of Lou Simon's work in the horror genre (with the creepy The Awakened and grisly Hazmat under her talented belt) I was delighted to be asked to check out her most recent film Agoraphobia an impressive melding of mystery, suspense and the supernatural.
Featuring Cassie Scerbo as Faye, a young sufferer of Agoraphobia who, after inheriting her childhood home from her deceased father moves in on advice from her Psychiatrist (the one and only Tony Todd). This is all well and good until she realises bit by bit that nothing is as it seems.
Strange things are occurring in the house and it soon becomes clear to Faye that there are skeletons in the closet which need to be let out. The apparent evil stalking Faye also starts to reach out to those around her such as her husband Tom (Adam Brudnicki), best friend Stephanie (Aniela McGuinness) and home carer Nina (Gema Calero) but in a series of well placed twists and turns, things turn on their head dramatically. In addition to all of this Cassie has the vindictive and bitter fiance (Julie Kendall) of her father baying for her blood and claiming that the house should have been hers. All elements of the story are important to the overall picture so this is a film that you want to pay close attention to - this is quite easily done as it does a great job of keeping you intrigued and interested throughout.
I was impressed by the performances, particularly Cassie who plays the fragile and haunted Faye with refreshing ease. I found myself drawn to the character and sympathised with her plight, suffering from such a crippling illness as well as trying to unlock some pretty dark and dangerous secrets. The main supporting cast were all effective in their roles; Adam Brudnicki and Aniela McGuinness as Fayes husband and best friend, Maria Olsen as her boozy aunt and Gema Calero as the newly appointed home help. I also got a great kick out of Julie Kendall as the gold digger from hell Elizabeth and kind of wished she was on screen a bit more. Still there is a GREAT pay off with this character and I will say no more.
The film is shot to the highest standard, something that Lou Simon and her team always excell at and really set the bar high for independent cinema. What they do with a limited budge is just amazing so I can only imagine what would come out of a project with really big bucks. That said I am really enjoying the current journey of Lou Simon and seeing each and every film just get better and better.
I have just this morning read news of a pretty wide distribution deal for this film which is wonderful! Read more about this via the official movie Facebook page - it looks like you will be getting to see this real soon!